Garfielf: Season 15 - Episode 0

Remember Garfielf? That parody of Garfield that airs on YouTube from time to time? Well, they canceled it after a couple seasons, and it hasn't aired since. This may answer that question.
I was on YouTube, searching up "Garfielf - Season 15 - Episode 0" and looking at results of the 'search bar' and surprise it existed! One video called "Gs15ep0" caught my eye, it probably was a lost episode. So I clicked on it, it played the "Garfielf Adventures" intro, but the way the characters looked was off, their eyes had red pupils. John sounded demonic while as, Garfield sounded high-pitched.
Then it cut to black, while in the background, you could hear John and Garfield arguing, it ended with John crying saying "wah" 10 times (to represent crying). Then, you hear John say: "I'll get that fucking cat one day!!!". Then it cuts to a scene, where John is ordering the "RoboKitty-666" and has glowing red eyes and the backgrounds looked more realistic than usual. "John, what the hell are you doing?!" Garfield says, as he is eating a tray of lasagna. I then noticed this was the "John gets a RoboKitty" episode from season 14. So, the scene went on like normal (except for John's eyes.) until the live-action footage came on. The hand and arm, who throws the package has lots of cuts and scars on it. The house had a sign that reads, "Condemned".
It goes on normal, until the battle scene with Garfield and RoboKitty. Garfield throws the lasagne at the RoboKitty, but it doesn't die. It grabs Garfield and starts ripping off his arms, legs, and head, until he is dead and just a orange ball with stripes. "Finally, fatass Orange cat is dead" says John as him and RoboKitty eat some food around the table. John says to RoboKitty that what he did to Garfield was wrong, and that his batteries will be taken out, which angered RoboKitty, till' the point where he took out a knife and stabbed John, 5 times in the chest. John dies, as RoboKitty rips off his arms, legs, and head. RoboKitty then said something in Russian and the video crashed. I translated it, and it meant:
"In two years, I'm going to kill you"